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Capitol Day recap

Posted 6 days ago by Michelle Wade

Hello VNPA Members, 

This week has been busy; if you have not seen it on Social Media, we were at the Capitol in Montpelier. ANA - Vermont, ENA- Vermont, and VNPA - including representation from the CRNAs, CNMs, and PMHNPs joined forces and had a successful day in the Capitol. We met with Lieutenant Governor Rodgers, Reps. Mari Cordis, Lori Houghton, Leslie Goldman, Alyssa Black, Frances McFaun, Daisy Berbeco, Wendy Critchlow, Allen "Penny" Demar, Woodman Page, and Debra Powers, among other Representatives.  On the Senate side, we met with Senators Virginia "Ginny" Lyons, Martine Larocque Gulick, Ann Cummings, Larry Hart, and Samuel Douglass to name a few.  We were joined by both nursing and NP students who had great exposure to policy!

Workplace Violence Prevention Accountability Act - Proposed by the Vermont Professional Nursing Coalition was discussed in the House Health Committee, The Ahead Model, Fiscal needs for the gap year for the continuance of the SASH and Blueprint programs,  H.31 with language to fix the requirement of participation in Blueprint to be considered a PCP for participation in the removal of prior authorizations program,  discussions about S.30 for clarification of NP friendly language and testimony supporting  S. 18 - An act relating to licensure of freestanding birth centers,  to name only a few bills that were talked about. The session is starting to move very fast and VNPA is working hard to keep up with all the bills we need to be addressing.  

Below are only a few of the photos that were taken.  We look forward to returning to the Capitol again this session. And planning has already started for next year! 

Rep. Goldman



Lieutenant Governor John Rodgers

Rep. Black &  McFaun 

hill group photo

We are looking forward to seeing even more APRNs and RNs next time. Brigid and Michelle 

Here is the  WEEK 6 VERMONT LEGISLATIVE UPDATE, February 10-14,   as well as a reminder that you can get NP focused necklaces on the storefront 
